Monday, January 18, 2010

Photography Artwork By Donna Mae,Yo!

My Photography Artwork or Design are also being updated.This photography of garfieldhs akron is an APS not to far from goodrich middle school about an 30 mins. walk to the high school from Goodrich Middle School Akron Ohio 44306.Because garfieldhs is in the 44301 zip code of akron ohio,It's know as south side.View my twitter updates and alot more soon okay.

Welcome to My Goodrichms Akron Project

It's part of my goodrichms akron project I am making online..for former teachers and students who when too goodrich middle school in akron ohio 44306.My project not finish yet okay.View sidebar for more related weblinks and stuff.Adding Math Cook Book Classes Room 229 of Year 1998.Gonna be adding also my artwork related to this blogs and etc okay mon amis.*smile happily =D*

Goodrich Middle School Akron Class of 2000
By Donna Mae A.k.a Miss.Mae Coldiron

My Favorite Sayings And Quotes...