Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Picture Taken May 17,Goodrichms Akron.

More pictures are look right side of blog for goodrichms akron's skydrive..pictures I taken may 17 year 2009 of goodrich middle school with my kodak c340 easyshare 5mp digital camera..Also making an offline project that is also related to my online project..since I never gonna an goodrichms yearbook in real life...kinda making my own yearbook.Don't really have an pictures of mr.david anderson.

I have other pictures of all my other teachers and thing just not mr.anderson.My online and offline projects are both not finish yet..don't know when I will finish my offline yearbook that I making myself.Other people can submit there own stories from 1930-2009 from goodrich middle school,same goes for any teachers and former students just email me at
  • ghsrams@gmail.com
  • donna44306@lycos.com
Okay people.*Smile Happily =D*

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Screenshot of my project2009.

Started this project mostly because my favorite school is closing at the end of this school year..and also an project about my favorite middle school teachers I had and etc.For the people who don't know me.I went to goodrichms from 1998-2000 wise..and most of my teacher that I had moved on from that school longtime ago..I can remember any funny thing from the 7th grade really..mostly forget about that..but the 8th grade was even more fun..maybe that why I remember mostly of the weirdest funny times ever..and I don't remember them all our I would have posted them on this blog site project of mind.I'm still adding stuff and still need to finish adding my math cook book 1998 you know.*smile happily =D*

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Joke of the century our class played on mr.austin.

The joke was okay..here I go.Class was being to started for social studies and what ever mr.mike austin wanna to teach that day..the whole class and mrs.carol peter team up..we had her hide the brochure thing he was planning for class that day in year 1999-2000 school year at goodrichms..totally forget what the brochure were on you know.Okay the whole class was laughing and mr.austin didn't know why ? but us(a.k.a. the class) knew and mrs.carol peter knew..and his asked why we were laughing..he thought hes zipper was unzipped for some reason,but that wasn't it..that was way too funny..remember that like if was yeturday..but if been like about 9-10 years when that happen..Why I called it the joke of the century played on mr.austin..cause it just was way too funny as can be.*lol =D*

Oh,I do remember mr.austin saiding he's the jenga king.Too many weird,but funny time at goodrich middle school..Also had mr.austin for 7th grade science teacher...don't remember any thing funny really those years at goodrichms..I other thing I remember cleveland zoo fieldtrip school year 1999 when we went an monkey mooning our teacher..too bad I did't have an digital camera then..that would of been the funny thing you could have an picture of..but I don't know if any one remembers that too.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

From Mr.Smith 1999.

Mr.Bob a.k.a Robert Smith give this to me when I was going too goodrichms..btw;don't know why he gave this too me..but I think he though I had an mess locker or some thing or he might though I would find it funny..I still don't know...Like I don't know anyone who would have an locker that messy..why would anyone at all have a locker that messy..*lol =D*

Yearbook's that I am in okay.

It you know me you know where to find me in those yeabook from 1998-1999 and then 1999-2000.My class year is class of 2000..was might have been the only one from that years from goodrich middle school akron ohio..It's my favorite middle ever,because too many funny stories and I don't remember them all..I wish I did..all my teachers I had were too cool for there age wise group...see some old pictures of them an now look better now then before but that just me...some people look better when their younger,some look better when their older and that really a fact of life.Kinda gettting off my topic here..this project started because was bored and I totally miss those day too much...One thing I don't like is losting out of not knowing people your use too an not keeping up with friends and etc.Party at goodrichms was fun,be I don't see mrs.carol peter..which kinda suck..she don't get too see my new hair look..btw;it's an dark ruby red with an slg blonde If you did not know that.*smile happily =D*

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Screenshot of my facebook.

This picture is an screenshot of my facebook profile,I had 49 friends mostly family members and high school friends.I don't get out the much kinda a chicken if you well..don't ask why because not tell you..cause then I would sound weird and crazy-ish you know..but for those who really know me they know I'm crazy,just weird only.Me in general I am totally shy person..but if I think your cool I am good just being my weird kinda crazy self.Some friends I know from the chapel in green ohio,and the rest are just friends.*lol,smile happily =D*

Math Cook Book - Contents page.

The table of contents for the math cook book classes in room 229 made in the year 1998.First period made math explosion.Second period made death by chocolate was my class period that year of 1998 at goodrich middle school akron ohio 44306.Period 3 made chocolate chip brownies.Period 4 made chocolate kabooms.Period 7 made double deluxe chip cookies.

Period 8 made
mud pie cookie.I will been adding how too make this up very soon.
Trust me you will love too eat them.*smile happily =D*

Math Cook Cover 1998 by Donna.

My math cook book cover made 1998 by me,My name is donna mae.It was created by math classes in room 229 in year of 1998,from period 1 to 4,and then 7 and 8 period classes.I won the math cook book cover contest that year..won an small white teddy bear that I still have.

But I don't remember the teacher name forget her name.My class was period 2 are thing was called death by chocolate..sound really good hmmmmm.*smile happily;btw =D*

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

About This Blog Project 2009 Akron.

It's about goodrich middle school from 2000 to 2009 wise,making this because had some fun times and miss these middle school days..too many weird but fun thing happen at gms akron..I'm in the class of 2000 wise,my brother is class of 2002 goodrichms you know.Also gonna put the math cook book I made in middle school very soon.The listed of favorite teachers are very cool people in realife..they totally rock.The picture in this blog is of miss boca,and mr.mike austin,and don't know who the other woman in this picture here...think this picture was taken 2000 or 2001 I don't remember when it was on the goodrich middle school akron webpage.But projest really start from 1998 to 2009 wise.but I base the project from 2000,because I'm in the class of 2000 from goodrichms akron.*smile happily =D*

My favorite teachers are
  • Mr.Bob Smith - Weird,Goofy but cool person too know.
  • Mr.Mike Austin - Goofy,weird,funny,but very cool.
  • Mr.David Anderson - Weird,and totally funny.
  • Mrs.Carol Peter - Goofy,and totally cool.
  • Mrs.Toni Coleman - Nice,and very cool.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Blog Update May 2009.

Updating my facebook profile and alot more.Pictures of goodrich middle school akron 2009 front side view of the akron public school 44306.Picture was taken may 3 and edited by me you know.I have an total of 4 window live profiles and 6 myspaces as well,and alot of blogs and website pages.*smile happily =D*

Welcome to My Goodrichms Akron Project

It's part of my goodrichms akron project I am making online..for former teachers and students who when too goodrich middle school in akron ohio 44306.My project not finish yet okay.View sidebar for more related weblinks and stuff.Adding Math Cook Book Classes Room 229 of Year 1998.Gonna be adding also my artwork related to this blogs and etc okay mon amis.*smile happily =D*

Goodrich Middle School Akron Class of 2000
By Donna Mae A.k.a Miss.Mae Coldiron

My Favorite Sayings And Quotes...